Braceface Hentai

Braceface Porn Story: Why is Conner acting soo strange – Chapter 2

Braceface Porn Story: Why is Conner acting soo strange – Chapter 2

The next day at school Sharon was feeling worse than ever! She had
yelled at a few passing kids in the hall which made them run away like
crazy! *She was sure that this was the worst day of here life*! While
walking to her locker Sharon overheard from the office that Conner
Mackenzie was out with yet another one of his terrible rashes! Sharon felt
a little happier, but at the same time sad for Conner. She was soo deep in
thought that she didn’t notice that Maria was waving TWO hands in her face,
untill the bell had rung! “Sorry Maria I was thinking!” “Thinking as if you
were dead!!” ansewred Maria. Sharon was soo bored and in very deep thought
during class she was doodling little sad faces: :( :-( :(( :()You
shouldn’t be talking at 8:00, it can give you a bad nights sleep!():
When she had suddenly noticed a crupled paper at the bottom of her foot,
she picked it up out of sheer bordum and looked to see if there was
anything written in side it. To her suprise there was! It read:
Hey Sharon! I’m not going to play at the party tomorrow night! I’m
going away and so there wont be any of my music there!
:( Alden
Sharon looked at Alden in a very sad way and he ansewred her back
with the same sad look. At lunch all she did was sit there not even
bothering to buy her lunch! She was determend that this was the worst day
of her life! “Sharon!!!!!!” Sharon looked up noticing that yet again Maria
was waving two hands in front of her face again for the second time today!
“Was I dead again?” asked Sharon. “More than dead!! We have TWO whole
minuets ’till class!”
Sharon bannged her head on the table and left for class.
At home her brothers were fighting. She said “Mom said NO killing
eachother!!” She called Maria after doing all the homework that was given.
“Maria I feel as if I’m a punching bag!! This is utterly and totaly the
worst day of my life!” “Sharon you know what I just found this goofy
magazine on the floor and guess what I read! If you feel as if today was
the worst day of you life… what happend yesterday that wasn’t soo good?”
Then it had hit Sharon!
To make the day better she’d go over to Conner’s and ask what’s going on!
“Bye Maria! By the way can I borrow that magazine!” All of a sudden she
felt soo much happier! “Sure you can borrow it but I thought you didn’t
like spots!?Anyways bye!”
Sharon left a note for either her brothers to find out where she is
or her mother. She ran to Conners’ house and knocked on the door like
crazy. Conners’ mother had ansewred it. “Sorry for the slight racket! I
thought you might be upstairs with Conner! Can I speak to him?” “Sure honey
you can speak to Conner.” Sharon ran upstairs and came into Conners’ room.
“What’s going on Conner!Why have you been acting SO strange?” Conner
ansewred “Sharon I’m sorry for acting so stupid. But…i-I h-h-have a C-C-
Chrush on YOU.” Sharon went wide eye as Conner went very bright red.
Please review!
* Or is it the worst day of Sharons’ life?

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